Who Are We

We produce quality educational conferences for teachers and administrators. 

It is our goal to bring conferences to teachers and administrators so they can continue to become the best educators possible.  Attending a Conference-Pro seminar gives teachers the edge they need to help all students. 

Conference-Pro is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality seminars and conferences for your money. We offer the best seminars at a price that is better than competitive, it sets the standard. In order to maintain that quality, we must provide you with the best presenters.

Why Conference-Pro? 

  • Our seminars bring you the top presenters
  • The seminars are excellent for teachers AND administrators
  • We provide speaker handouts to all attendees as part of your fee

Registration for our conferences is easy! Take a minute to check out current seminars that you can attend.  We hope to see you soon!

Presenters for Conference Pro

Dr. Patricia Cunningham

Dr. Dorothy Hall

Mrs. Amanda Arens

Dr. Karen Loman

Mr. Ralph Fletcher


Just compare our cost to other workshops
and you will
quickly see the value. 

Come see us and you will
experience it!